Public Relations
We are the voice of the company. In other words, our department is all about internal and external communication – always with the aim of promoting WEICON’s excellent image worldwide.
To ensure external visibility, we take care of traditional press relations, manage our social media channels, write texts for catalogues, brochures and our company magazine and regularly post articles on our blog. Internal communication is all about keeping our international team up to date with what’s happening at WEICON.
As there is always something going on at WEICON that is worth reporting on, we coordinate our activities on a daily basis. That’s why we work together very closely and in a dynamic way!
In our department, you will meet communication experts with a creative mindset and a passion for writing. Everyone brings their own strengths and a good deal of initiative to the table. The chemistry in our team is just right – and not just because we are an adhesives manufacturer.

Get to know the department head
Hello Thorsten!

Would you like to tell us about your early days at WEICON?
When I sent an unsolicited application to WEICON in 2012, there was no PR department at the company yet. I built up the department and established it within the company. In the beginning, it was a one-man show, but today I’m happy to be able to share the tasks with my team.
In a nutshell: what is it like to work at WEICON?
For me, WEICON stands for exciting tasks, an incredibly dynamic and friendly team, personal fulfilment, a high degree of individual responsibility, a trust-based relationship, being part of something very special and, of course, a lot of fun at work.
As a manager, what is especially important for you vis-à-vis your team?
I don’t believe in leadership “from the top”, but rather in meeting people as equals. For me, an important aspect of working together successfully is mutual trust. I fully trust my team and do my best to ensure that my team also knows that they can count on me. We exchange ideas at a high professional level, but we also maintain a very casual atmosphere.
What do you like most about your team?
That we trust each other – every single day. I enjoy that and it’s fun.
Is there anything else you would like to say to potential applicants?
If you enjoy writing texts, are creative and like to work independently, then our PR team is the right place for you.